A drip campaign is well known in the marketing domain, It is often known as autoresponders, drip marketing and marketing automation. Linkedroid has launched a new feature where you can set up a campaign using existing actions. This post will cover all about to set up and execute a drip campaign. First of all, we'll cover all the action elements available with drip campaigns. As you click on any action element. you'll get side popup to fill all the information respective to the action type. Start - This is the very first action element where you've to choose targeted prospects to send drip campaign. only one element of this kind is available for a drip campaign. Message - This action element is used to set up a message to be sent to the prospects. you can pick existing message template from the dropdown or click on new template checkbox to write down for current campaign. Delay - If you want to delay between two action elements then you can use ...
Fasten your seat belts, you're going to learn to automate your twitter activities with Linkedroid, Make your presence out of the LinkedIn network, meet and greet your prospects on twitter too. This post helps you understand all about twitter integration. How twitter integration helps you? List down all verified accounts of LinkedIn available on twitter. Automate Follow/Unfollow prospects on twitter. Create a list in your twitter account from Linkedin itself. Automate adding twitter accounts to your targeted list. If this really excites you then follow steps for twitter integration. Click on the twitter button on the right side of the panel. Once you see the popup, click on the Connect Twitter button. Now it will redirect you to twitter page. just authorise to login then you can see your twitter handled found from LinkedIn visit campaign. Click on Add all to list to add all below listed down prospects to list selected in the dropdown (as selected ma...